On anything...
I always start doodling on anything I can see whenever I'm bored...from my skin (I kinda like tattoos) to my jeans...
Here's what I did today. Undertaker's trademark skull, just like how it appears on his tights...I wouldn't say it resembles the one he wears though...
Sephiroth...drew it last night. Can't really see the eyes like this...
After watching Advent Children since that fateful day, I've been going crazy over Sephiroth these few days. At the same time also keep dui xim gua lah...
Why can't I get those silver coloured hair...tio cheated $22 sia...2 tubes of solid ash after I bleached my hair...and all I get is a head of kim moh...
How sad can it get man...
No matter...tomorrow, we shall see the truth unveiling itself......
Ok forget about that last line...so bored that I'm beginning to type trash in as well.
Something I did a couple of months ago, before my O levels. Just some simple vines wrapping my wrist...
The other side. Good for you if you can't figure out whose name is on my wrist...don't think most of you know who the person is anyways...
From those pictures, memories of some of my most painful times revealed itself before me once again...wished that I can forget about them, but I just can't. They're tattooed right into my heart...and I will have to bring them together with me into my grave...
No matter...Naruto Shippuuden Movie finally out le...just downloaded it...gonna go watch now...
Opportunities after opportunities...but I can never reach out to you. All I could do is to watch you from afar...unable to go any closer to you. When I have finally reached closer, I got pushed back to where I started. I'm not able to talk to you...neither can I whisper to you...nor can I even look at you, eye to eye. I have even did something awful to...of all people......you...
You may not accept me...you might even hate me...but I really have to thank you, thank you for regarding me as your friend...even if it's only for a second out of 6 years of knowing each other...I'm still really thankful. You and I will most probably not meet each other again...but I want you to know that...despite the ordeals I have went through...my first love, that's you...will be the sweetest one in my life...I can assure you that.
I would like to say something...something which I did not have the courage to voice out for 6 years. You may not accept it...but this is how my heart beat for all these years...
I love you...and thank you...
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