Due to the fact that I didn't feel any strains and aches despite doing the equal amount of workouts as compared to last week, I'm feeling kinda ...DAMN...
Disappointing ain't it...
No matter...took some pictures of yesterday when I attended my cousin's baby's 1st month celebration. Well...I took most of the pictures with my mum's phone...so I guess I'll upload the rest of the pics later. So I used my phone to capture some rather soothing scene. At least that's what I felt...
1 location, 2 separate time of the day, although the time gap ain't much, but you can pretty much see the diff.
Oh yeah...and I saw this Taker's shirt that caught my attention. There's 3 of em, but I like this the best. Because it shows his tattoos (KYAAA! TATTOOS DAISUKI *n_n), and he's got the "sat ki" (hokkien for killing aura...or something like that...my bad I can't "spell" hokkien) in his eyes. He looked so much fiercer compared to the other 2 shirts, that's what I like best about this shirt.

Kya...this man never cease to amaze me with the killing intent emitted from him.
School's gonna start soon...
How sian...I've yet to switch my "timetable" back to normal. I'm still doing things at night and sleeping during the day until late afternoon. If this keeps up things will be damn jia lat liao...
Let's hope that nothing's wrong with the information I've received, only having to return to school starting on Tuesday for lecture...
On a second thought...it doesn't matter much does it. The worst thing that's gonna happen is missing 1 day of school. Doubt it will be VERY deadly, won't it?
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