Arj then informed me that there will be a small BBQ today. Since I've done some work after all, I decided to go loh. So after Digital Imaging, zao as fast as I could back to Damai.
Feels kinda...strange, when back in Damai...
It's sorta nostalgic...but also not really all that excited...maybe because it's evening time, and the whole school is nearly empty. Headed to the atrium and all the NCC cadets are there having multiple small BBQ in groups.
One of the first things I heard when I reached there was, "WOOAAHH".
Probably because of my hair and eyeliner...I roughly know how Mr Cho will react le. So I put down my stuff and headed towards him. He ji tao is, "Wah lao're no student of mine! :)" a jokingly way though.
He's a pretty capable CO, because he has nurtured 2 delinquents with OBVIOUS properties shown...which is Edmund and me...since we're the only ones with long and tinted hair.
Ok lah...he didn't produce's just that we had a change of heart, and decided to turn towards the wilder side. But seriously, he's a one of a kind CO. He's fierce when he's reprimanding he did when I was only Sec 1...but when you're his subordinate, as in taken over the company, he can really open up and talk to you about loads of stuff, while cracking jokes at the same time.
As far as I can see, his tasks remained the same as before...
Trying to get Andy to lose weight...
Trying to get Heng Chang to jio a gal he introduced...
Trying to get Emmanuel to tone down his activities a lil...
Trying to get Edmund to stop his "gay" ways...
Trying to get me to cut my hair...
And of course...trying to get me to give up on Stelene...since he's like super friend with her and some other gals...and guys too DUH?! And seeing that I don't stand much chance in successfully jioing her...he told me..."Give up lah..."
A quote which I have adopted and applied in my life...I believe a lot of ya have heard me chanting that line...
The topic about her is still labeled as taboo...but I can't seem to be able to avoid that much when the speaker is him...guess it will take even longer for these things to sink in or drift away...
Bumped into Li Juan...she's another weird one...
*Take a close look*
"Oh, Antony ah!"
*Looking at my ponytail*
"Wah put eyeliner ah"
There's nothing's wrong with the speech...but she's looking at my ponytail, and she's talking about my eyeliner which is on my eyes at the front, while my tail is at the back...
But one thing's never changed...she is still as energetic as ever...
Anyways...didn't snap much pictures since everybody's running around, and Mr Cho is kinda...anti-camera...but here's some...
Edmund managed to escape from being snapped in...thus only Andy's in it...
The "Pit"...
So decided to go home since I don't intend to miss the last bus and walk home...neither do I plan to cab home. and I realized something...
Mr Raj still doesn't look please with me sia. He still have those big eyes staring at me loh. I walked passed him, then he bio my hair. I think he's thinking," I wished I could have caught him for long hair...but he's no longer a Damaian...". Or he's like trying to wish me away or something.
Let's see who have targeted me for my hair throughout that 4 years...
Mr Loh (Former Principal)...
Mr Ang (Ex Vice Principal)...
Mr Gabriel Chin...
MISS KOH! (The woman who would catch almost anything that's wrong on me...from ear studs and ankle socks to tucked out shirt and hair, but she eventually became my savior for she tutored me and some of my other friends geography before the "O" Levels...)
MR EDWIN CHO! He's just like..."Cut your hair...cut your hair...cut your hair"'s still kinda funny when I think of how he made that face while trying to persuade me in cutting my hair or pull up my socks...
Then there was Mr Raj...our dear discipline master...
All those memories...good or still here...I wonder why...
Never mind, so I'm walking to the bus stop with Heng Chang, and I came across 2 cats in a rather queer...yet comfy posture...
The picture ain't clear, but you should be able to make out 1 cat piling itself atop of the other, with the legs touching the ground, mind you...the feline's not completely on top of the other party...
No doubt...they are making "WHOOPIE"...
I mean cats won't climb on top of the other cat just for the fun of it, will they? So if that ain't the case...obviously they're making "WHOOPIE".
Guess that's all for today...DAMN! I bushed...
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