Nothing much...just went early to meet up with Jon at Bedok Interchange, and then headed for Pasir Ris to meet Xue Qian. Went down to NTUC to get all the necessities for BBQ.
Off to the pit, and started preparing the stuff...until a drizzle comes that is...
So waited for the drizzle to subside and feel that it's safe for continuation...all thanks to Qian's pilot instincts. =P
Granted...Muhaimin came shortly after, with his lady...and helped out with the preparations...kept it up until more people turned up. Nostalgic faces appearing on and on for some time...not much, but more than enough...
Wei Ying...
Xiao Yun...
Jun Jie...
Chun Keat...
Yi Hao...
Yi Cheng...
Jhin Chee...
Phyu Phyu...
The rest can't make it, so the list ends there...or did I miss out anybody? No matter, people came and went for the BBQ...and eventually leaving Jon, Qian, Hazim and his friend, and me...
Kinda awkward...all of em are from TP...and I alone, is from NYP...that made the topics for conversation so much limited...but luckily I didn't really talk much about school anyways...
Now for the pictures...
Introducing the chef of the pit, and the pro of fire raising, Xue Qian!
Next, the chef assistant, Muhaimin!
Let's not forget about someone who, too had some contributions in terms of manpower, Jonathan!
The pit...when everything's fine...
When things went bonkers...
Nearing the end of the BBQ, we started to burn almost everything in sight. We burnt paper plates, wooden skewers, ice, honey, margarine, sesame oil, and the shirt we found lying on the table which seemingly had no owner...
The fire built was pretty we tossed in a CMI hot dog which was charred beyond all redemption and recognition...and the result turned out to be pretty...nice...
Not clear right? Here's a more clearer one...
See the damn difference?! I can assure you, we're not racist...Hazim was there, and we couldn't really afford to be racistic as well, but mainly it's because he's too adorable for us to outcast him as a -CENSORED-...
No no...the word can't be seen in Hazim's presence...
Anyway...guess what's this. A's not up in the sky...
Got it? It doesn't matter if you get it or not...
The answer is...'s just a piece of burnt paper plate...
Not much of a joke or whatever...but who cares. So next up, everybody headed on home...and I didn't manage to catch the last bus. So bo bian home lah...
Kinda good to see familiar faces coming together for one night only...but sorta disappointed that there's no liquor...when Hazim said he's gonna get em, but didn't manage to get his hands on em. That's too bad...there's always next time...
Plus~ I only frigging smoked 1 stick and a puff from the one that requires self-service, prepared by Hazim's friend, which is damn intense...but I still prefer Marlboro...
Never mind...3 months...3 MONTHS IS ALL I NEED!
Ahh...nothing matters now. All I need to know is that I'm gonna catch some sleep...if not, I'll probably clear some of the assignment I've yet to do...
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