Guess what...I worked the entire night to chiong the design fundamentals, and thought that all would be fine after mounting my pieces in class. And what do I get?
"Your work down 1 grade"...
"You're supposed to hand this in when you enter the class"...
A lot of us assumed that the 3 hours of lesson we have allows us to finish our stuff, in this mount the workpiece. I believe someone mentioned that Bhakta gave permission. However, he denied that he said anything like that when we talked to him about it.
To make things worse, we are only given 10 minutes to hand in our stuff. And from what I know, Jim has the final materials before we can complete, and submit our work.
So what's next?
Well, no pressure's not your fault, and I'm not blaming ya for what happened. After all, he's the one who bought the items, and brought them all the way from his house. Gotta give him credit for that.
Ah but no matter...we have done our job, and no use pondering over it since you can't really undo whatever that's done. A lil touch up on my color theory before going to bed early...I'm feeling kinda drained today.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
The bell has tolled
No sleep again for today...
Just finished my design all that's left is for Jim to bring in the mounting board and stuff in a few hours time, and I'll put my work on the damn board...and shove it into the lecturer's arms...
And when it's all said and done, my soul will be at peace once again. For I have lesser burden up on my shoulders. Drawing can be done in 1/2 a day...color theory just leaves some touch ups to finalize everything. VASTR...I'll consider that done.
How shiok...
This sensation is's like the last time I felt it was right after my 'O' levels. That's a couple of months ago, and the feeling is back to stay for at least a day.
All these work seems to have overturned my timezone...night time is when I work, and morning is when I catch some sleep.
Well...not so bad for such a's so damn quiet when I'm at work, just the environment I yearned for...
Time is passing like the sands in the hourglass...and when the clock strikes 1400, the hourglass...will be empty...
Just finished my design all that's left is for Jim to bring in the mounting board and stuff in a few hours time, and I'll put my work on the damn board...and shove it into the lecturer's arms...
And when it's all said and done, my soul will be at peace once again. For I have lesser burden up on my shoulders. Drawing can be done in 1/2 a day...color theory just leaves some touch ups to finalize everything. VASTR...I'll consider that done.
How shiok...
This sensation is's like the last time I felt it was right after my 'O' levels. That's a couple of months ago, and the feeling is back to stay for at least a day.
All these work seems to have overturned my timezone...night time is when I work, and morning is when I catch some sleep.
Well...not so bad for such a's so damn quiet when I'm at work, just the environment I yearned for...
Time is passing like the sands in the hourglass...and when the clock strikes 1400, the hourglass...will be empty...
Monday, July 28, 2008
Slacking off
Alright...I'm not exactly doing my work. And it's the first time I post twice within an hour.
So since I'm not doing any work...although tons of em needs to be done, I watched some videos from Youtube, and I found yet another Sephiroth video, this time...a rather comedy one. People who played Final Fantasy VII should find the scene rather familiar.
Here you can see for yourself why Sephiroth killed Aerith...
Sephiroth and Aerith Gold Saucer...
So since I'm not doing any work...although tons of em needs to be done, I watched some videos from Youtube, and I found yet another Sephiroth video, this time...a rather comedy one. People who played Final Fantasy VII should find the scene rather familiar.
Here you can see for yourself why Sephiroth killed Aerith...
Sephiroth and Aerith Gold Saucer...
1 down...5 to go...
1 module down as of today, and that's CODID. That leaves...
Color theory...
Design fundamentals...
And last but not project. Gotta continue working hard. There's still a long way to go...but before you know it, they will all go away soon enough...
Color theory...
Design fundamentals...
And last but not project. Gotta continue working hard. There's still a long way to go...but before you know it, they will all go away soon enough...
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Still not in the mood...
Bro went to Batam...mum went for some 1-day trip and ain't coming back for the I'm all alone at home now. And being seldom have any mood to do anything...especially when you have just got home from a tiring day.
The BBQ was fine...except for the weather initially, but everything went smoothly soon after. Arj, Heng Chang, Mark and me...the ex-NCC(s), tried to start the fire under a small drizzle...saying that we can't afford to lose to...whatever it is...or something like that. Well, we succeeded.
Yay! Damai NCC forever!
Ok whatever...
Anyway...played basketball for quite a while after I have gone to fetch Andy and Gerald from the bus-stop. After returning to the pit...I started emoing by the beach.
Over what? I'm not really sure...maybe I just wanna be alone for a lil while...since it's so dark and quiet along the seashore. Perhaps I just couldn't shake off thoughts about her...
How pathetic...
No matter...went for 2nd round basketball. Kinda more vigorous than the previous round. Sort of hurt my top ear hole when the ball hit the side of my face, and it bled...and I lost one of my favourite ear ring/stud.
Home sweet home finally...bathe and sat down...don't really feel like doing anything, although I have tons of stuff to do, and the earliest assignment is like due in...3 days time? I'm dead meat I guess...
Tch...doesn't matter...tio condemned also don't care liao. Kinda sick and tired of being a human le.
How I wish I could just give up my humanity...
Bro went to Batam...mum went for some 1-day trip and ain't coming back for the I'm all alone at home now. And being seldom have any mood to do anything...especially when you have just got home from a tiring day.
The BBQ was fine...except for the weather initially, but everything went smoothly soon after. Arj, Heng Chang, Mark and me...the ex-NCC(s), tried to start the fire under a small drizzle...saying that we can't afford to lose to...whatever it is...or something like that. Well, we succeeded.
Yay! Damai NCC forever!
Ok whatever...
Anyway...played basketball for quite a while after I have gone to fetch Andy and Gerald from the bus-stop. After returning to the pit...I started emoing by the beach.
Over what? I'm not really sure...maybe I just wanna be alone for a lil while...since it's so dark and quiet along the seashore. Perhaps I just couldn't shake off thoughts about her...
How pathetic...
No matter...went for 2nd round basketball. Kinda more vigorous than the previous round. Sort of hurt my top ear hole when the ball hit the side of my face, and it bled...and I lost one of my favourite ear ring/stud.
Home sweet home finally...bathe and sat down...don't really feel like doing anything, although I have tons of stuff to do, and the earliest assignment is like due in...3 days time? I'm dead meat I guess...
Tch...doesn't matter...tio condemned also don't care liao. Kinda sick and tired of being a human le.
How I wish I could just give up my humanity...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
In the mood? Nah...
Another tiring day since lessons start at 0800, and I only had 3 hrs of sleep. And to make matters worse...I made it to school fully drenched lah. Stupid rain. Of all times to rain, it chose to do so when I'm waiting by the traffic light...and the road is busy de loh...can't really seem to run across. Then in lecture I'm like shivering throughout lah, can't really concentrate on what is going on. Now having slight flu le...sian...
Anyway, today's the last drawing lecture. Did a portrait of sister. I wouldn't say that I did a good job, but it ain't crappy either. :P
And I kinda figured out that I have a broad forehead, thick lips and BIG eyes. I really doubted the last point though. Hah...but no matter, had a few rounds of good laughter, it ain't that bad to occasionally see how do you look like in other people's eyes.
Color theory was as brain wrenching as ever, especially when you have a bunch of people around you who did decent pieces of drawings. All I can say about mine is......
Ok whatever. Oh oh oh oh, and I found a pretty nice picture on one of the computers in Maclab...

Can you make out what is that? Can you see what's so shocking about it?'s Pikachu with a couple of Pichus biting on it's......nipples? Udder? Call it whatever that makes you happy. The picture is cropped due to some other irrelevant documents, otherwise you can see everything better.
Kawaii na...
Despite all the excitement...I'm still sleepy...think I'm going to sleep all the way until 1200 tomorrow......
Anyway, today's the last drawing lecture. Did a portrait of sister. I wouldn't say that I did a good job, but it ain't crappy either. :P
And I kinda figured out that I have a broad forehead, thick lips and BIG eyes. I really doubted the last point though. Hah...but no matter, had a few rounds of good laughter, it ain't that bad to occasionally see how do you look like in other people's eyes.
Color theory was as brain wrenching as ever, especially when you have a bunch of people around you who did decent pieces of drawings. All I can say about mine is......
Ok whatever. Oh oh oh oh, and I found a pretty nice picture on one of the computers in Maclab...
Can you make out what is that? Can you see what's so shocking about it?'s Pikachu with a couple of Pichus biting on it's......nipples? Udder? Call it whatever that makes you happy. The picture is cropped due to some other irrelevant documents, otherwise you can see everything better.
Kawaii na...
Despite all the excitement...I'm still sleepy...think I'm going to sleep all the way until 1200 tomorrow......
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The end is drawing near...
The end of semester is just a few weeks away, and more work are coming our way as well. Really looking forward to the end of all stress for year 1, but not really enjoying the stress piling up on me.
Tch...guess I don't have a choice but to endure...after all, it's this course that I've picked out of all the other choices available. So, I'm not really in the position to complain.
No matter, today's a pretty slacky day if you ask me...went for studio project briefing and took some pictures of the NYP garden for the drawing assignment. Went around for lunch and stayed back in library to do design fundamentals.
Not so bad...I left about...19 sketches? I'll finish em all in one night. Yong Kiat and Lee Ann are busy playing around with character drawings lah. Hah...all of us kinda had fun "dressing up" the characters then. And when all is said and done, headed for Mac. Damn shiok, I'm able to finish my burger at a rather steady pace obstructions whatsoever anymore. Super happy de lah.
Then talk cock and Yong Kiat began making funny faces again. Tried to sneak shot him...but I guess I'm just no good. Perhaps I'll ask Shi Wei to teach me how to sneak shot people eh? :P
But I still caught a picture of Yong Kiat...

Dunno why...I just keep laughing after I snapped the photo. I mean, this is not the funny face I'm talking about...but I just keep laughing. Yeah...devil knows what the hell is going on in this distorted cerebral system of mine...
Went home next...
Another weird ego of mine again...out of no reason, I figured that tonight is exceptionally beautiful. I'm still wondering why.
Ah doesn't matter...gotta complete my 42 sketches now.
Press on people...we are close to the ending point. Cheers!
Tch...guess I don't have a choice but to endure...after all, it's this course that I've picked out of all the other choices available. So, I'm not really in the position to complain.
No matter, today's a pretty slacky day if you ask me...went for studio project briefing and took some pictures of the NYP garden for the drawing assignment. Went around for lunch and stayed back in library to do design fundamentals.
Not so bad...I left about...19 sketches? I'll finish em all in one night. Yong Kiat and Lee Ann are busy playing around with character drawings lah. Hah...all of us kinda had fun "dressing up" the characters then. And when all is said and done, headed for Mac. Damn shiok, I'm able to finish my burger at a rather steady pace obstructions whatsoever anymore. Super happy de lah.
Then talk cock and Yong Kiat began making funny faces again. Tried to sneak shot him...but I guess I'm just no good. Perhaps I'll ask Shi Wei to teach me how to sneak shot people eh? :P
But I still caught a picture of Yong Kiat...
Dunno why...I just keep laughing after I snapped the photo. I mean, this is not the funny face I'm talking about...but I just keep laughing. Yeah...devil knows what the hell is going on in this distorted cerebral system of mine...
Went home next...
Another weird ego of mine again...out of no reason, I figured that tonight is exceptionally beautiful. I'm still wondering why.
Ah doesn't matter...gotta complete my 42 sketches now.
Press on people...we are close to the ending point. Cheers!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
So relaxed...
Finally, another wisdom tooth is gone for good. Well, this time, there is more "feel" than the previous one...cause I can feel the root connecting to my gums snapping away one by one. It's like aborting a baby...I guess?
Pain is still not a factor...that dose of anaesthetic is super strong lah. 1 jab of it I can't feel a damn thing le...imagine you took 3 jabs of that. I love the sensation man.
Alright alright...allow me to show ya my 2 darling twins I "gave birth" a different date of course...
The clean one is my hajime...and the bloody one is the freshly extracted baby......DUH?!
Sexy, ain't they...

My there ain't gonna be any Sweet Impact after the spectacular exhibition...even if you puked your guts inside out......
Too bad...
Just scroll down to the post regarding my first extracted wisdom tooth if you don't understand the statement above...
*Ahem* Anyway...went to Vivo City today...yes for the 1st time of my life. It's kinda...similar to most shopping malls if you ask me...except that it's...bigger...and the rooftop has breathtaking views. Kinda romantic...just sad that I don't have a companion to share this feeling with. least I'm not alone. Since big bro came back from Batam for a lil while to fetch some of his stuff, we decided to dine at Vivo as well.
Some pics taken...
Mum taking photo...and I took her photo...

Big Bro and Mum...

Chin-ups anyone?

This monument is shaped like......

Bored... that's one day passed...although it's only the 3 of us, I find the day very relaxing...
Looks like in a matter of days, nothing can stop me from eating what I shiok...
Wee...gonna go spam my nutella le. Ciao...
Pain is still not a factor...that dose of anaesthetic is super strong lah. 1 jab of it I can't feel a damn thing le...imagine you took 3 jabs of that. I love the sensation man.
Alright alright...allow me to show ya my 2 darling twins I "gave birth" a different date of course...
The clean one is my hajime...and the bloody one is the freshly extracted baby......DUH?!
Sexy, ain't they...
My there ain't gonna be any Sweet Impact after the spectacular exhibition...even if you puked your guts inside out......
Too bad...
Just scroll down to the post regarding my first extracted wisdom tooth if you don't understand the statement above...
*Ahem* Anyway...went to Vivo City today...yes for the 1st time of my life. It's kinda...similar to most shopping malls if you ask me...except that it's...bigger...and the rooftop has breathtaking views. Kinda romantic...just sad that I don't have a companion to share this feeling with. least I'm not alone. Since big bro came back from Batam for a lil while to fetch some of his stuff, we decided to dine at Vivo as well.
Some pics taken...
Mum taking photo...and I took her photo...
Big Bro and Mum...
Chin-ups anyone?
This monument is shaped like......
Bored... that's one day passed...although it's only the 3 of us, I find the day very relaxing...
Looks like in a matter of days, nothing can stop me from eating what I shiok...
Wee...gonna go spam my nutella le. Ciao...
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Come on...give it to me...
Damn shag today. Just came back from my cousin's 21st birthday party.
Kinda's held in some sort of Singapore Airline club or something like's sorta grand.
Frankly speaking...I haven't met this cousin of mine until today. Even if I would only be once or twice, since I dun really meet up with my maternal cousins. He's a pretty nice guy, and a real gentleman.
The dinner was great. I ate and ate as if my wisdom tooth ain't giving me any troubles. Dunno why...but this buffet taste exceptionally good.
Yeah...perhaps I'm just hungry...
No matter, here comes the pain. Deserts...alcoholic cake. Damn I just love em. Too bad I didn't know that it contains something...nutty...and it just went right into the "hole" in the back of my mouth due to my wisdom tooth, and bit onto it.
Damn...and I mean DAMN!
That killed my lust for alcohol almost immediately loh. But I went for 2nd round anyways...just picking away the nuts and chewing carefully to reduce the damage.
Some pictures taken...
Aunt Ping...with my lil cousin and my mum...

Sharon and her baby...

Warui na...most of the pictures are taken by Uncle Joe...and since I didn't grab any pictures from him, not many pictures were posted.
Finally heading for home...met Angel and Tai Yong at Bedok interchange. Miracle sia...Angel with black hair. XD Chatted on the way and zao home soon after...
Tomorrow hopefully I'll be able to get rid of my 2nd wisdom tooth. If it does...hoho...I'm gonna start spamming the nutella at home liao...
Wish me luck!
Kinda's held in some sort of Singapore Airline club or something like's sorta grand.
Frankly speaking...I haven't met this cousin of mine until today. Even if I would only be once or twice, since I dun really meet up with my maternal cousins. He's a pretty nice guy, and a real gentleman.
The dinner was great. I ate and ate as if my wisdom tooth ain't giving me any troubles. Dunno why...but this buffet taste exceptionally good.
Yeah...perhaps I'm just hungry...
No matter, here comes the pain. Deserts...alcoholic cake. Damn I just love em. Too bad I didn't know that it contains something...nutty...and it just went right into the "hole" in the back of my mouth due to my wisdom tooth, and bit onto it.
Damn...and I mean DAMN!
That killed my lust for alcohol almost immediately loh. But I went for 2nd round anyways...just picking away the nuts and chewing carefully to reduce the damage.
Some pictures taken...
Aunt Ping...with my lil cousin and my mum...
Sharon and her baby...
Warui na...most of the pictures are taken by Uncle Joe...and since I didn't grab any pictures from him, not many pictures were posted.
Finally heading for home...met Angel and Tai Yong at Bedok interchange. Miracle sia...Angel with black hair. XD Chatted on the way and zao home soon after...
Tomorrow hopefully I'll be able to get rid of my 2nd wisdom tooth. If it does...hoho...I'm gonna start spamming the nutella at home liao...
Wish me luck!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Basketball is back...
A kinda different day today. Went to school only to be chased out during design fundamentals as the 42 sketches are not completed.
Well...I'm not the only one, in the end...only Addy and Shan was the remaining group 3 in that room.
So stayed outside and chatted while some are working on the sketches. Next, went down with Fernanders, Vanessa and Xian to some block near north canteen, intending to rent a basketball...just trying to warm up for tomorrow's basketball session, but didn't get our way.
Made our way to the basketball court and saw the entire court was occupied. So chatted away our time, and finally managed to find some space for us to squeeze in for a lil match.
Everyone did well...and I found out that my skills are still as bad as in the past...I mean...what do ya expect when you only play basketball once in a blue moon. Evone and Jim joined us when we're supposed to go for the VASTR lecture. But we all were like...ah who cares. Played badminton for a while before a new ball arrived, and we joined in.
Then went to Koufu with Xian to see if we can find some dudes there. Found Sister, Bolster, Lee Ann (dunno if it's spelled like that...) and Clement. Talk cock before heading for the lab to collect the latest notes.
Went home after kinda tired, and tomorrow gotta basketball another round. Definitely ain't gonna be at 100%...but have to try my best...
Well...I'm not the only one, in the end...only Addy and Shan was the remaining group 3 in that room.
So stayed outside and chatted while some are working on the sketches. Next, went down with Fernanders, Vanessa and Xian to some block near north canteen, intending to rent a basketball...just trying to warm up for tomorrow's basketball session, but didn't get our way.
Made our way to the basketball court and saw the entire court was occupied. So chatted away our time, and finally managed to find some space for us to squeeze in for a lil match.
Everyone did well...and I found out that my skills are still as bad as in the past...I mean...what do ya expect when you only play basketball once in a blue moon. Evone and Jim joined us when we're supposed to go for the VASTR lecture. But we all were like...ah who cares. Played badminton for a while before a new ball arrived, and we joined in.
Then went to Koufu with Xian to see if we can find some dudes there. Found Sister, Bolster, Lee Ann (dunno if it's spelled like that...) and Clement. Talk cock before heading for the lab to collect the latest notes.
Went home after kinda tired, and tomorrow gotta basketball another round. Definitely ain't gonna be at 100%...but have to try my best...
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Played around with my WACOM today...kinda liked the way it worked better than the mouse in the painting aspect. I still prefer using the mouse for clicking purpose though...gonna take some time for me to get used to the super sensitive pen.
Anyway...experimented the pen and tablet with photoshop, and edited one of my photos. Lol...I like how the way it turned out to be.'s me in secondary school...thus the short, black hair...


Yeah...looked kinda fake, but hey...I love that man. I just love red eyes...not the ones you get from lack of sleep...and grey hair...and not the ones you get from old age.
Think I'm going to play around for a lil longer...
Oh yeah...and damn the presentation tomorrow...I'm at the top of the list man. Damn jia lat de lah.
Ah whatever......
Anyway...experimented the pen and tablet with photoshop, and edited one of my photos. Lol...I like how the way it turned out to be.'s me in secondary school...thus the short, black hair...

Yeah...looked kinda fake, but hey...I love that man. I just love red eyes...not the ones you get from lack of sleep...and grey hair...and not the ones you get from old age.
Think I'm going to play around for a lil longer...
Oh yeah...and damn the presentation tomorrow...I'm at the top of the list man. Damn jia lat de lah.
Ah whatever......
Friday, July 11, 2008
Got my WACOM today...its like, kwl lah. I can finally do my colour theory at a rather steadier pace.
So VASTR was kwl as always today. Went to school and played dai di with Sister, Yong Kiat and Sheng Yang. bad for using Jolin poker cards ok? We were like...what the hell, keep looking at Jolin for several games, but...who cares. Then I viwawa some time away with Xian and Yong Kiat...with some noisy strangers. Not so bad...won some and lost some...
Next went makan at south canteen...after which Sister and Yong Kiat went to collect their testimonials, and I went back to the campus and joined "Maria".
Took a few photos of Block M...too bad never bring my sketch book along...Maria was drawing Block M, and I slept for like...45 minutes? Woke up le then headed for City Hall. Went to Robinson's to see if I can meet up with anybody familiar. Well, saw Siew Eng and Ellen. Kinda caught a glimpse of Patrick also. But didn't really approach them. Sculli they don't remember me then I will be like...damn pai seh. Lucky never see Raymond...otherwise he surely got things to say one de.
Headed for Funan next and met Shi Wei along with Evone nearby. Hah...they looked kinda emo sia...
Go Challenger to look for my WACOM. Sad sia...never see Yazid at the games corner today. Waited for around almost 1 hour before my big brother shows up. Got my WACOM and some other thingys, and cabbed home.
Now trying out my tablet and pen. Still trying to get a hang of it.
Then, in a few hours time...gotta start preparing for the celebration of my niece's first month. Gonna be a busy day......
So VASTR was kwl as always today. Went to school and played dai di with Sister, Yong Kiat and Sheng Yang. bad for using Jolin poker cards ok? We were like...what the hell, keep looking at Jolin for several games, but...who cares. Then I viwawa some time away with Xian and Yong Kiat...with some noisy strangers. Not so bad...won some and lost some...
Next went makan at south canteen...after which Sister and Yong Kiat went to collect their testimonials, and I went back to the campus and joined "Maria".
Took a few photos of Block M...too bad never bring my sketch book along...Maria was drawing Block M, and I slept for like...45 minutes? Woke up le then headed for City Hall. Went to Robinson's to see if I can meet up with anybody familiar. Well, saw Siew Eng and Ellen. Kinda caught a glimpse of Patrick also. But didn't really approach them. Sculli they don't remember me then I will be like...damn pai seh. Lucky never see Raymond...otherwise he surely got things to say one de.
Headed for Funan next and met Shi Wei along with Evone nearby. Hah...they looked kinda emo sia...
Go Challenger to look for my WACOM. Sad sia...never see Yazid at the games corner today. Waited for around almost 1 hour before my big brother shows up. Got my WACOM and some other thingys, and cabbed home.
Now trying out my tablet and pen. Still trying to get a hang of it.
Then, in a few hours time...gotta start preparing for the celebration of my niece's first month. Gonna be a busy day......
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Yong Kiat this time...
Another lil test given...this time, tagged by my lil bolster...
1. What disappoints you the most?
Knowing that I'm no longer needed to anybody...
2. Where would you go if someone sponsors you an air ticket?
I'll take that ticket and go to hell with it...
3. What's your favourite thing to do?
Beating people up...and getting beat up in return...
4. Do you think money can buy happiness?
5. If you have a dream to come true, what would it be?
To find a soul mate for moral support, and to spend time with...
6. What makes you "you"?
My sadistic ego...
7. What are you afraid to lose?
Friends and family...
8. If you win a million dollars, what would you do with it?
TATTOOS...and exchange the rest for a $2 note.
9. What do you dream of doing in the future?
Embalmer? Funeral director? Or perhaps a gravedigger...
10. List 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
He's warm...soft and huggable...
11. Do you believe in fate?
12. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Knowing that you are important to a certain someone.
13. If it's the end of the world, what will be your last wish?
Wish that everybody I care for will be spared from the disaster...
14. If you had the chance to choose, would you like to go back in time?
15. What is the ONE thing you want badly now?
A special someone I can spend time with...
16. Do you have a pet?
17. What makes you happy?
Cutting up people and getting cut back twice...
18. What type of person do you hate the most?
Anybody...and everybody who piss me off big time...
19. What do you think makes a perfect partner?
Someone who understands, and trusts me...and of course care about me.
20. What kind of present would you want for a birthday?
A deep blade cut down my abdomen...
Instructions : Remove 1 question from above, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions.
Tagged :
Shi Wei
Oh yeah, and thanks to a bunch of people who invited me to the BBQ last night. Really appreciate it...
1. What disappoints you the most?
Knowing that I'm no longer needed to anybody...
2. Where would you go if someone sponsors you an air ticket?
I'll take that ticket and go to hell with it...
3. What's your favourite thing to do?
Beating people up...and getting beat up in return...
4. Do you think money can buy happiness?
5. If you have a dream to come true, what would it be?
To find a soul mate for moral support, and to spend time with...
6. What makes you "you"?
My sadistic ego...
7. What are you afraid to lose?
Friends and family...
8. If you win a million dollars, what would you do with it?
TATTOOS...and exchange the rest for a $2 note.
9. What do you dream of doing in the future?
Embalmer? Funeral director? Or perhaps a gravedigger...
10. List 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
He's warm...soft and huggable...
11. Do you believe in fate?
12. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Knowing that you are important to a certain someone.
13. If it's the end of the world, what will be your last wish?
Wish that everybody I care for will be spared from the disaster...
14. If you had the chance to choose, would you like to go back in time?
15. What is the ONE thing you want badly now?
A special someone I can spend time with...
16. Do you have a pet?
17. What makes you happy?
Cutting up people and getting cut back twice...
18. What type of person do you hate the most?
Anybody...and everybody who piss me off big time...
19. What do you think makes a perfect partner?
Someone who understands, and trusts me...and of course care about me.
20. What kind of present would you want for a birthday?
A deep blade cut down my abdomen...
Instructions : Remove 1 question from above, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions.
Tagged :
Shi Wei
Oh yeah, and thanks to a bunch of people who invited me to the BBQ last night. Really appreciate it...
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Izzit me...or...
Yet another sleepless whatever you call it. Stayed up all the way to chiong finish my color theory. Well, I succeeded in doing so, but it may cause me to fall asleep anywhere, anytime later in the day...
ESPECIALLY...when I'm going to be a part of a small skit which will be presented in just a few hours time.
And now...I'm slowly feeling the effects of insomnia...HEAVY...insomnia. Damn...I need a cure for this problem man...otherwise it will eventually drain away all my energy in the long run...
No matter...perhaps I'll go catch some shut-eye...5 minutes will be sweet...
Night night...
ESPECIALLY...when I'm going to be a part of a small skit which will be presented in just a few hours time.
And now...I'm slowly feeling the effects of insomnia...HEAVY...insomnia. Damn...I need a cure for this problem man...otherwise it will eventually drain away all my energy in the long run...
No matter...perhaps I'll go catch some shut-eye...5 minutes will be sweet...
Night night...
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