Anyway, today's the last drawing lecture. Did a portrait of sister. I wouldn't say that I did a good job, but it ain't crappy either. :P
And I kinda figured out that I have a broad forehead, thick lips and BIG eyes. I really doubted the last point though. Hah...but no matter, had a few rounds of good laughter, it ain't that bad to occasionally see how do you look like in other people's eyes.
Color theory was as brain wrenching as ever, especially when you have a bunch of people around you who did decent pieces of drawings. All I can say about mine is......
Ok whatever. Oh oh oh oh, and I found a pretty nice picture on one of the computers in Maclab...
Can you make out what is that? Can you see what's so shocking about it?'s Pikachu with a couple of Pichus biting on it's......nipples? Udder? Call it whatever that makes you happy. The picture is cropped due to some other irrelevant documents, otherwise you can see everything better.
Kawaii na...
Despite all the excitement...I'm still sleepy...think I'm going to sleep all the way until 1200 tomorrow......
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