Another lil test given...this time, tagged by my lil bolster...
1. What disappoints you the most?
Knowing that I'm no longer needed to anybody...
2. Where would you go if someone sponsors you an air ticket?
I'll take that ticket and go to hell with it...
3. What's your favourite thing to do?
Beating people up...and getting beat up in return...
4. Do you think money can buy happiness?
5. If you have a dream to come true, what would it be?
To find a soul mate for moral support, and to spend time with...
6. What makes you "you"?
My sadistic ego...
7. What are you afraid to lose?
Friends and family...
8. If you win a million dollars, what would you do with it?
TATTOOS...and exchange the rest for a $2 note.
9. What do you dream of doing in the future?
Embalmer? Funeral director? Or perhaps a gravedigger...
10. List 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
He's warm...soft and huggable...
11. Do you believe in fate?
12. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Knowing that you are important to a certain someone.
13. If it's the end of the world, what will be your last wish?
Wish that everybody I care for will be spared from the disaster...
14. If you had the chance to choose, would you like to go back in time?
15. What is the ONE thing you want badly now?
A special someone I can spend time with...
16. Do you have a pet?
17. What makes you happy?
Cutting up people and getting cut back twice...
18. What type of person do you hate the most?
Anybody...and everybody who piss me off big time...
19. What do you think makes a perfect partner?
Someone who understands, and trusts me...and of course care about me.
20. What kind of present would you want for a birthday?
A deep blade cut down my abdomen...
Instructions : Remove 1 question from above, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions.
Tagged :
Shi Wei
Oh yeah, and thanks to a bunch of people who invited me to the BBQ last night. Really appreciate it...
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