The deep wound on my finger finally closed...or at least I thought so. No matter, the bleeding stopped.
But that piece of flesh still seemed kinda's like still pretty easy to peel it off...but I didn't...else it's gonna be another days of wrapped up fingers and the immobility just pisses me off...
Some pictures I took of the wound...not of maximum chariness though...
DAMN! My fingers look old bian...just came out from a bath...
A recent news kinda caught me and my family's attention...
It's the chaos that broke out at Thailand. As a result of that, 3 airports...or so I'm told by my mother...was closed. The thing is, big bro is still somewhere out there in Thailand. My mum and i spammed calls and smses...but there's no reply...
Kinda worried sia...mum's been pacing back and forth in her room. Sometimes just lying on her bed staring into space...
Me? Nothing much...I mean...what can I do? Perform a ritual where I have to split my wound open, flush my blood onto the offerings and open up a portal which leads to my bro? I wish I could. I definitely wish that big bro is well. If not...WHO'S GONNA FIX THE STINKING DESKTOP?!
Nah...that's not the only reason why I'm worried. After all...he's still my big bro ain't he...I mean...even if you're people like me who don't really trust a lot of people...someone who don't express his emotions well enough on certain occasions...a person who's sick and sadistic, sometimes egoistical...and at times a cold-natured will still care for your family and loved ones, won't you...
He should have at least gave us a call or replied my smses...
I swear on my balls that dad's gonna gan him like hell if he's still here with us...hope he's watching over big bro...
Tch...seems like waiting is currently the only thing I can do...
I didn't tio condemn real badly...and although I ain't receiving the best of compliments, but I'm conceited...because everything has officially ended on 28 August 2008, at 1030...
The worst part of the day have definitely gotta be combing my Hitler side-parting hairstyle I had last time and spraying my hair black...I mean...
It itches! And I can't afford to scratch it, lest my fingers got stained...what to do? Endure loh...
And Ms Gail actually said I looked good with my hair combed back...
Aww man...don't I look human with long hair?!
Anyways, a couple of dudes ain't present at the assessment grounds...maybe just because I didn't see them. But no matter...all is finally said and done. Right or wrong, you can't undo it...good or bad, no use pondering over it...
After presentation, lunched with Clement, Fernanders and Vanessa...and headed for a game of pool shortly accuracy is still off, but they are slightly better than it was in the past...
Finally I'm back at home after shampooing off the hair spray and thick gel off my hair...
The time is drawing near...and there's no way out...
Tomorrow is the day...when everything will be decided...
I'm mentally prepared, and I believe that my workpiece can bring me to the next level. They may not be as well done as most of my friends'...but I have the confidence...
But I spilled some blood before the judgment was passed on me...
I was cutting my materials, and I tend to apply a lil more strength when cutting. And before I know it, I cut over my finger. The length ain't long, but it's pretty deep. So deep that I can literally peel that piece of flesh off.'s like that piece of flesh is falling off...
Unfortunately I couldn't get a photo shot, since the wound never stops to ooze blood, and I'm busy drinking the blood that oozed out. The quantity ain't little. All I could do is drink as much as I can. But the oozing never decreased...washed it under running water, ain't working well either...
Blood makes one thirsty for more...
Deep...yet's been a long time since I last cut myself, and cut it DEEP!
No matter, I wish everybody luck in tomorrow's presentation. May all of you be spared from the condemnation of the judges...
Today's weather is ideal to sleep...and that's what I did until around 1500...
Shortly after I learnt that some dudes are planning to go to the fireworks since there's like some breathing space after so much work, I agreed to go...
So there was Jim, his lil sis, Li Ying, Zhen Ying and her family...and myself of course...
It did took me some time to figure out my way to the Merlion despite me having asked for bad...many should know how bad I am with directions...especially my boss...
No matter, today's all about pictures, pictures and more pictures...
The Merlion...
Fireworks...plenty of em...
The fireworks are really spectacular when you witness it first hand. The pictures I've taken can't really show how splendid the fireworks are, but most of you should be able to imagine how gorgeous they can be...
Everything is fine......except for the fact that Jim is shouting like a lunatic every now and then when the fireworks went "BOOM".'s pretty funny when the fireworks burst out in a big radius, and the sparks seemed to be flying very close towards us, he kept shouting "AHHH! THE SPARKS ARE FALLING ONTO US! AHHH! RUN!" or something like that...
AND HE DID THAT RIGHT IN MY EARS! Lol but it's till enjoyable when he does that...
The show ended, and we planned to go somewhere here's the route we took...or something like that...
Heading towards Lau Pat Sa...
Midway, changed course towards Makansutra...
1/2 way through, Jim realized there's no shelter...hence headed for Marina Square...
Went to KFC...too many people...
Went to Mac...too many people...
Walked to Raffles City City Hall there...Jim and his sis went home at the other side, while Li Ying, Zhen Ying and I went down to the MRT station, and I trained home alone...
Then on the way home, the very same line popped into my mind again...
Work stress is cutting down...but hair stress is building up...
Dunno what to do lah...
Saw the said that "males with long hair will be barred immediately"...and when you are barred, you FAIL!
Damn shag lah...seriously, what the hell is wrong with male having long hair...I don't see why males can't have long hair loh. Machiam males with long hair means end of world like matter, I'm going take the bet this coming Thursday...
I believe that the near 1 year odyssey of my hair will continue to grow...
But look on the bright side, it's almost the ending least for now. Dunno whether to be looking forward to the day of presentation or to dread it...
Anyways...just found my game disk for the pc mahjong game deep inside my storeroom. (dunno what the hell it's doing in the storeroom to begin with...) Kinda's pretty shiok...starting round I win with da san yuan sia...then west round...3rd game I think, tio shi san yao. The hand super heng lah...too bad no real money won...but it's satisfying...
Too bad, I can't play mahjong in reality as good as in game, although I know some rules and combos...I will normally forget a thing or 2 and will tend to lose more...and sometimes I may even forget to win when I have all the tiles I need, therefore there are times when I didn't even win a single round out of all 16 games. So yeah, I'm still a newbie, but I like playing it anyways...
Back to more mahjong I guess...or maybe I'll continue working on my portfolio...
It's considered a pretty good day for someone who didn't catch a shut eye for the entire night...
As usual...went to school to show whatever we've got, and then we're on our own. Next week, everything will come to an end for this semester. Now that's something worth looking forward to. So went to library today to...supposedly to complete our line work for the final concept. However...I got sidetracked halfway...and started to doodle on my hand again...
Bad habit eh? Kinda liked doing that anyways... Some doodles I've done...dragons as usual. One of my favourite themes.
Taker's symbol...something I can't doodle without...
Another something I can't go without...*sigh*
Don't worry...I ain't going to emo least not now...
So I went to look for more tattoos...mostly on dragons. And guess what i found...
Before you scroll down...just a word of caution. The following picture may inflict some damage on both your eyes and mind. So if you have no intentions on risking your life, especially for those who have never contacted any forms of "hot dogs and raisins"...I advice you to scroll the page down quickly and avoid eye contact with the picture...
That's the hint on what's gonna be shown...
Defy your instincts, and you may live to regret it...
Alright then, make your decision in...
The following text is meant for those sickos who viewed the picture...I admit that I'm one of them. :P
No matter...if you still plan on escaping reality, it's best if you skip the next few paragraphs...
Now then, can you guess which part of the body the picture above shows?
Obvious ain't it...
YEAH!!! IT'S A L** J***!!! A.K.A WIENER/ COCK/ know the word...
Can you believe it? Someone actually went as far as tattooing his manhood! It's just...DAMN! That's gotta hurt big time...and I think those who play Warcraft or DOTA should notice that the tattoo somehow resembles the Fairy Dragon.
Ok ok...enough of that...
Now for some decent tattoos...more dragons...
Those dragon tattoos never fails to amaze me...if only I had the money...
For the 3rd consecutive night, I'm active in the dead of the night...
Kinda boring...but peaceful...
Subarashi ne...
Just came back from a small stroll down to the playground near my house after doing like 3 value studies. Yeah...I know it's not much, and I'm slacking off...but....
So I went down, and guess what...
There's ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! I don't expect to see any people there lah...since it's bedtime...but I didn't really encounter anything else. Dunno why...but these few days I have a strong urge to have such encounters. Especially since 7th lunar month started like about...a few weeks ago? And I assumed that I'll be able to see or feel something after the souls have made their way out of hell, and started to roam the earth...
Who knows...
Anyway...a lil disappointed, but I guess it's for the better. Hell knows what will happen if I really bump into something "funny"...but I wanna get 1 step closer to knowing about them...
I've been wondering...are spirits that scary? Why are people afraid of them. I wouldn't say that I'm not afraid...although I have a few small encounters with them, and I didn't really go running around screaming like an idiot...but, how do I say it...
Despite the fast it fear of excitement...
I find it fun...and rewarding...
Furthermore...under such a wonderful dark sky...a paranormal activity of the supernaturals sounds pretty good...
An ideal night to start a massacre and draw blood from imbeciles...
A perfect atmosphere that excites my lust for blood...
Watching the night sky, while slurping blood from a slain victim...
That's paradise...
Don't know why, of all nights I've stayed up...I feel exceptionally "exceptional" tonight...perhaps it's signifying that I'm losing my humanity...night by night...
A few hours later, I'm supposed to hand in my preliminary sketches. But sadly, these few days...I don't really seem to have the mood to do plenty of work. All I did these few nights was looking out the window occasionally...staring at the night sky while on my desk. I've never been more sober in my entire life...
A man who only lives in the darkness...
That's what I'm becoming now...since I'm afraid of strong sunlight, and I don't really move around much...such quiet, and deadly silent lifestyle, may just be what I need...
Anyway, Youtube is my best pal that will stay awake with me for as long as I want. Therefore, I got a few pretty interesting billiard videos.
I don't know if anything is done to the balls or tables, but I still like the match. At least I believe those are real, and you gotta agree that both parties are real good. Lucky shot or no, the shots are equally well done...
And don't ask me what are they babbling about...I can read some katakana characters separately...but I can't decipher them...just read the Chinese words and guess what the conversation is about.
Understand or not...that's another issue...
Hitoshi Matsumoto VS Gackt...
I think Gackt scolded fuck when he missed that "8" ball.
Just completed my pandemic thingy...hopefully I didn't miss out anything or anything went wrong. Let's just wish that everything is going to carry on smoothly...
It's starting to get busy and all nowadays. Portfolio and studio project are more than enough to suffocate us. But in the meantime, DMD Group 0803 is able to counter all these incoming stress.
Yesterday was the date for us to show Ms Gail our sketches. Early in the morning, we met up in Lil India's MRT station. Shan and Vanessa were among the earliest people. All turned up, we went on ahead to in the restaurant...or whatever the hell it is...we showed our sketches, and went in for breakfast. We kinda learned that Gail has been frequenting that place for 13 years.
Pretty kwl huh?
She's like super friend with those guys inside...she's like more of a friend than a regular customer.
Ate the prata there...not bad. Then there was a small "show" where the guy played around with the teh tarek...or however you spells that word.
Can see the streak of liquid?
Xian's teh tarek...
Took some pictures of Lil India and ourselves after we left the place...
Jim...the self-proclaimed "ANGEL", Sheng Yang, my bolster and co-starring Jervis in the foreground...
After that, went pool with the group...or at least most of em. It was fun...although I still don't seem to be able to have better accuracy despite me having to determine which part of the ball should I strike. But no matter...after studio project, I think I would have the chance to practice and practice and practice...
And guess what...I got a tattoo!
......Nah......actually it is just some goo that Shi Wei intentionally bua onto my arm. RAWR! It really looks like shit at first glance loh...I mean the color is like so...brownish...
A photo I just took...courtesy of Shi Wei...
I heard it's gonna stay for 1 week. I'm going to get ya back for this Shi Wei ;P
Next up, it's arcade time! Since Pui Yi's got the voucher with like...150 credits?
Play alone really gonna spend like 2 days if you spam hard met up with Li Ying and Pui Yi at Zone.....I forgot what alphabet it is. Anyway...played loads of stuff. We tried the's xiong de loh. Everybody's like.........
I dunno what to say...but it's just fun.
See what we did to a single machine...kwl rite...
Back view(s)
Then Xian and me went for Silent Hill. It's easy...but still...ya know, FUN! Although I'm the one who died a lot of times...but dunno why all the mobs seems to attack me at a higher rate than they do on Xian...
Lol let's go kick their ass again some time Xian...
We completed the whole game lah, since we have the credits. We were like shouting for the card when we run out of credits. Gratitude to Pui Yi!
Now that I thought of it...she seems to have done quite some favors for us le leh...gotta think of how to thank her properly for it...
No matter...after the game, our arms are like super strained lah. I think if we keep playing that game, we can train our biceps in the meantime loh. But it's not over...we headed to the basketball station. Played a few rounds and we were like......
Damn tired de lah.
To end the day...we took a couple of group photos...
Credit to Yong Kiat's blog and Pui Yi's camera...
Then something unfortunate happened...don't intend to disclose it, but I do hope it's sort of...settled. It ain't gonna be easy for the victim, but there's just very little we can do...
Sorry for our inability to stop it from happening...
Happy 100th post for my blog...although it could have been more if I haven't deleted loads of posts in the past. It doesn't currently holds 100 posts, and it will only increase, not decrease...
Anyways, Terry came back today with Shirley and of course my niece, Tiffany. She's gotten a lil more feminine since the last time I saw her, and also definitely more hair has sprout from her cute lil head...
Aww...I wanna drink too :P
It's a good thing to see her once in a while, at least by doing so, my mum can relax a lil...and she wouldn't have to get fed up over every single lil thing and start arguing with me over......anything...
Alright...gotta get my sketches done...tomorrow I've gotta go Lil India first thing in the morning...and I think I ain't going home that early after showing Ms Gail my sketches...
Went to One Marina Boulevard for the fireworks with Yong Kiat, Li Ying, Zhen Ying and Pui Yi. A slight drizzle was falling when we reached the grounds. It's damn lot of people de loh, and there are like free space barricaded away from our boundary. Dunno why they don't wanna open the entire field for us. No matter, took a couple of pictures, and didn't end up with very good quality... Some pretty kwl balloons attached to boats... Army guys...
More balloons...
There are loads of plane stunts too...and despite different planes performing different stunts...some pics somehow looked the same...
Caught Yong Kiat out of...boredom...
Starting to form a heart shape... Can see the heart?
More plane stunts...
The "leftovers"...
Lastly, the climax of all NDP Parades...fireworks! My bad for making the fireworks to look so dull...
Job done. We headed for Lau Pat Sa and cleared the pizza we had with us for hours. Thanks to Pui Yi for getting me my tiger beer.
I thought I couldn't buy past the stall, until she told me that they didn't check for age. I was like......oookkk...never mind. About 7 months+ like that, I can buy em without any restrictions, and I wouldn't have to trouble anyone anymore...
As itchy hand took some picture of the group...
Li Ying and Pui Yi...Li Ying looks fierce doesn't she XD
Zhen Ying and Yong Kiat...picture super bad quality...
Eat and eat until we keep pushing the last box of pizza to each other. And I kept getting high over the song...dunno what title, it's pretty old school. Yeah...and I didn't throw up OK?! I may have a weak stomach, but my liquor level ain't as low...and don't expect a stinking can of tiger beer can get me to stagger...
Then we called it a day...everybody seems tired, or maybe it's just my imagination, then trained home with Yong Kiat...