Yesterday was the date for us to show Ms Gail our sketches. Early in the morning, we met up in Lil India's MRT station. Shan and Vanessa were among the earliest people. All turned up, we went on ahead to in the restaurant...or whatever the hell it is...we showed our sketches, and went in for breakfast. We kinda learned that Gail has been frequenting that place for 13 years.
Pretty kwl huh?
She's like super friend with those guys inside...she's like more of a friend than a regular customer.
Ate the prata there...not bad. Then there was a small "show" where the guy played around with the teh tarek...or however you spells that word.
Can see the streak of liquid?
Xian's teh tarek...
Took some pictures of Lil India and ourselves after we left the place...
Jim...the self-proclaimed "ANGEL", Sheng Yang, my bolster and co-starring Jervis in the foreground...
After that, went pool with the group...or at least most of em. It was fun...although I still don't seem to be able to have better accuracy despite me having to determine which part of the ball should I strike. But no matter...after studio project, I think I would have the chance to practice and practice and practice...
And guess what...I got a tattoo!
......Nah......actually it is just some goo that Shi Wei intentionally bua onto my arm. RAWR! It really looks like shit at first glance loh...I mean the color is like so...brownish...
A photo I just took...courtesy of Shi Wei...
I heard it's gonna stay for 1 week. I'm going to get ya back for this Shi Wei ;P
Next up, it's arcade time! Since Pui Yi's got the voucher with like...150 credits?
Play alone really gonna spend like 2 days if you spam hard met up with Li Ying and Pui Yi at Zone.....I forgot what alphabet it is. Anyway...played loads of stuff. We tried the's xiong de loh. Everybody's like.........
I dunno what to say...but it's just fun.
See what we did to a single machine...kwl rite...
Back view(s)
Then Xian and me went for Silent Hill. It's easy...but still...ya know, FUN! Although I'm the one who died a lot of times...but dunno why all the mobs seems to attack me at a higher rate than they do on Xian...
Lol let's go kick their ass again some time Xian...
We completed the whole game lah, since we have the credits. We were like shouting for the card when we run out of credits. Gratitude to Pui Yi!
Now that I thought of it...she seems to have done quite some favors for us le leh...gotta think of how to thank her properly for it...
No matter...after the game, our arms are like super strained lah. I think if we keep playing that game, we can train our biceps in the meantime loh. But it's not over...we headed to the basketball station. Played a few rounds and we were like......
Damn tired de lah.
To end the day...we took a couple of group photos...
Credit to Yong Kiat's blog and Pui Yi's camera...
Then something unfortunate happened...don't intend to disclose it, but I do hope it's sort of...settled. It ain't gonna be easy for the victim, but there's just very little we can do...
Sorry for our inability to stop it from happening...
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