Shortly after I learnt that some dudes are planning to go to the fireworks since there's like some breathing space after so much work, I agreed to go...
So there was Jim, his lil sis, Li Ying, Zhen Ying and her family...and myself of course...
It did took me some time to figure out my way to the Merlion despite me having asked for bad...many should know how bad I am with directions...especially my boss...
No matter, today's all about pictures, pictures and more pictures...
The Merlion...
Fireworks...plenty of em...
The fireworks are really spectacular when you witness it first hand. The pictures I've taken can't really show how splendid the fireworks are, but most of you should be able to imagine how gorgeous they can be...
Everything is fine......except for the fact that Jim is shouting like a lunatic every now and then when the fireworks went "BOOM".'s pretty funny when the fireworks burst out in a big radius, and the sparks seemed to be flying very close towards us, he kept shouting "AHHH! THE SPARKS ARE FALLING ONTO US! AHHH! RUN!" or something like that...
AND HE DID THAT RIGHT IN MY EARS! Lol but it's till enjoyable when he does that...
The show ended, and we planned to go somewhere here's the route we took...or something like that...
Heading towards Lau Pat Sa...
Midway, changed course towards Makansutra...
1/2 way through, Jim realized there's no shelter...hence headed for Marina Square...
Went to KFC...too many people...
Went to Mac...too many people...
Walked to Raffles City City Hall there...Jim and his sis went home at the other side, while Li Ying, Zhen Ying and I went down to the MRT station, and I trained home alone...
Then on the way home, the very same line popped into my mind again...
What a splendid night this is......
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