Saturday, January 31, 2009


Yeah, ok...

I know I'm getting kinda high over something trivial again. But damn, it's one helluva internet phenomena that has ever surfaced. At least, I thought it was...

As promised, I shall continue posting Caramelldansen videos done by different characters. The video today features...

Zack, Cloud and Aerith!

Yeah, Aerith's high on steroids when she started to speed up her dance steps there...

Oh, and don't be alarmed by the sheer fact that Zack and Cloud's dance steps are similar to Sephiroth's in the previous video. After all, the dance steps came in a package together with the you shouldn't be surprised that EVERYBODY dances in a similar way to a certain point.

I'm posting these videos that are similar to a large extent mainly because of the characters, who are all reduced to chibis. I mean, even villains are chibified so much, that nobody bears to hate em despite the sins they've committed...

As a result of the chibification, the characters appear much cuter compared to their normal appearances. KYAAA~~~XD

No matter, more videos are to come...


Zack kinda remind me of Sasuke in there......

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