Wednesday, February 11, 2009


For the first time in a long while, I felt so threatened...

I myself think that I produce slightly better work when I'm working last minute...sometimes though. But today, quality work ain't the main concern. For today, I'm supposed to produce the storyboard, and receive approval...on the same day, I need to produce the final board.

Failure to do so, you might fail...

Hell...I don't wanna redo this studio's one helluva pain in the arse...

Ok lah...maybe because I lazy, then never really did it at home, but mainly it's to prevent myself from doing double work, for Ms Gail MIGHT need me to make certain changes.


I kinda struggled for the rest of the day, as the dateline is set on the day itself, 1700...

As the time draws nearer, I'm still trying my best to finish shading my final wit's end, Xian called Ms Gail for a slight time extension, for my grades' not the only one hanging on a thread. So is lil Sista, Yong Kiat, Angeline, Xian, and Chong Huan.

Luckily, she permitted the time extension. Thus, the new dateline is 1800. Which seems more than enough...when I'm done with the work that is...

So done up with final board...photocopied...asked for Ms Gail's autograph...and I'm safe...somehow, I wish that I's around 1740+/-...

Eventually, we survived...

Tomorrow onwards, it's animation, and designing of CD cover etc...

Gotta sleep as much as I can...though it doesn't really seem possible, but I most definitely gonna need it...

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