Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sh*t happens...

First day of school for the new semester, was rather...pathetic. For my case though...

I was late like hell...I was 1 hour late. Damn sucky...

I set my my handphone alarm, my digital alarm, and my human alarm (who else...) all at 0500, just to make sure I won't be late during the first day of school. I went through all that trouble only to hear it ring with my eyes still wide open.

Damn pissed off...

I'm tired, but I can't fall asleep...

Then my mum's alarm rang...I offed it, and I felt a lil droopy. So I decided to lie down a lil while more...and guess what...

I woke up at 0700...

Super shag...confirm late de mah. I gotta wash up and get changed...and let's not forget about the take-forever-to-come bus 22. So I waited and it came...only to continue it's ride on the outer lane...due to the "sardinism"...I was like "WTF?!"

Bo bian loh...and to make matters worse, my bluetooth headset is giving me problems...so my ears are so quiet that it just irks me.


I ran back home and grabbed another earpiece for my psp, and waited for another eternity before another bus came.

Finally reached school and met loads of familiar faces. Some had a haircut. Part of em voluntarily, others tio "cheated" to cut...nah don't wanna talk about that. Here comes the sh*t...Miss Gail came in for her session, and all of the sudden...

Gail: "Antony. Where's Antony?"
Ant: *Sian diao...-_-"
Gail: Antony. Let me have a look at your hair"
Ant: *Cua sai liao lah..."

I didn't mean not to keep my part of the deal. But it's just that I wanna keep my hair as long as possible during this period of time before I enter NS. NS shave hair I don't mind...but once I get out of army, I would most definitely not have long hair mostly due to the fact that I'll be working, despite me adoring long hair. Thus, I intend to let my hair grow until the time comes...

After school, lunched at Kou Fu with the clique, and headed for movies. Watched Eagle Eye. A pretty interesting movie.

Gotta like the part when the man got busted by a falling live wire. He just went "BOOOM" and the next scene showed he's charred body. Although it's not that gross to open up my appetite, but overall, it's super sweet...

I think I'm gonna try and sleep early today le...


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